17 de marzo de 2007

Diccionario Anglo-Uruguayo

Frases para visitantes extranjeros para adaptarse al medio uruguayo

"Me chupa un huevo." - I do appreciate your opinion.

"Tu hermana está para partirla al medio" - Your sister is very pretty.

"Andá a la con... de tu madre." - Excuse me, where is the bathroom, please?

"La con... de la lora." - It gonna rain.

"Me cago encima." - I feel sick.

"Es como todo." - I have no idea what you are talking about.

"¿Me explico?" - I have no idea what I am talking about.

"¿Qué te iba a decir?" - I have no idea what we were all talking about.

"Quedate tranquilo." - I have no idea what I'm doing, and you should be worried.

"Es lo que hay, valor!" - Sorry, I can't help you.

"¿Dónde puedo comprar porro?" - Where is the nearest shopping mall?

"Trajiste forros para esta noche?" - Hi, how are you?

"Te voy a romper la jeta, gil." - Nice to meet you.

"¿Me chupas la p...?" - Do you have a cigarette?

"Te viá ser mier... tu ecositema." - I can't go to your party?

"La p... madre que te recontra parió." - What is your mother's name?

"Me hicieron el hongo." - I would like to play Super Mario.

"Una fuerza pa´ ver al manya?" - Can you lend me some money to assit to the National Team Polo Match?

"Porteños de mier..." - We love our Argentinian brothers.

"No te vengo a robar, te vengo a pedir" - I think we could be friends.

"Cerra el c... cometripa" - Do you like chocolate?


"Que te la den put..." - Have a nice day.